Friday, June 26, 2009

A couple days with our friends...

Every once and while we have play dates with our friends - they really need to be more often like they used to be. My BFs and I have a blast chattin it up while the kids play and stay out of our hair - JJ:) They are all so well behaved they never want to leave each other!

Yes, that's a lot of kids!!!
(2 sets of 2 yr old triplets, a 4 yr old & a 5 yr old. The only one missing is the 13 yr old, at sailing camp during the day!)

First we had lunch at T's then K and I headed to the park with the quads! LOL!

A couple days later...T & I headed to the zoo!!! AGAIN!!! Zoo passes do the trick!!!
One of my favorite is when I'm asked, "are they all yours?" Then my smart ass says, "yes, they're sextuplets". The response was, "oh my gosh, they are so cute"!

We have a blast together! We love it and so do they!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Trouble in paradise...

And trouble has a name...Belle (as we call her).
I'll tell you the girl is bad to the bone!!!
She is the most pleasant, precious little love I ever did meet then BAM all hell breaks lose and she loses it!
I'm honestly like, "who are you? what did you do to my girl?"
Even her brothers look at her like, "girl, what is your deal?"

Everyone says that its because she is a girl and once she can express herself it will subside.
I'm praying that this is true.
Today was a wonderful day.
Not a single outburst from her.
Just pleasant as can be.
Tomorrow may not be the same.
We won't know til it happens.
We can never be prepared. LOL!!!

Just look at her precious face.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I am really approved and my surgery is scheduled!!!

I couldn't believe it...I just got the phone call I feel like I've been waiting forever for! I am official approved and scheduled for July 20, 2009.

Ok, total lifestyle change has to begin now! There is no more time for fooling around. I gotta make sure everything is all set up before I do this. Its a big step and I have 3 little teeny tinies that need their mama!!!

First things first, back to the gym everyday. The babies need the socialization anyway! I gotta get my butt moving!

I'll be posting my before photos soon!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm getting the Lap Band!!!

Well after much thought and effort. I believe my final decision has been made. Im getting the lap band. I started this journey last May. After a couple months of completing all of the necessary testing, the doc wasn't part of the network so the insurance company denied the approval. The doc got in the network and poof - lap band approved!!!

I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I'm trying to get as much advise as possible from wherever I can about my decision.

I will get my before pics posted soon.

***Come to find out it wasn't approved yet....still waiting! URRRR!!!***

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm finally a blogger...

Ok so Im jumping in feet first...
I should have done this many moons ago but there is no time like the present!
My friends say that my life is interesting most of the time so I figure why not share it with everyone!
Stay we come!